V. Stojakovic, B. Tepavcevic, 2016, Nexus Network Journal,  pp 1-19  DOI 10.1007/s00004-016-0302-z.

Abstract: Anamorphosis, as a drawing, represents shapes on a surface such that they appear in their natural form only under specific viewing conditions. Although anamorphoses are mainly studied in a historical context, they are currently experiencing a revival. Plane geometric anamorphoses are a specific sub-type of anamorphic drawings. Some practical problems may arise during the design and realization of plane geometric anamorphosis causing the 3D illusionistic effect to be impaired. The aim of this paper is to identify and analyze these problems. In the paper we use parametric analysis to quantify the distortion that may appear because the point of view is offset from the preferred point of view, and to simulate the deviations that can appear because of the errors in onsite realization. The analysis leads to a framework for the design of plane geometric anamorphosis that minimizes the impairment of the anamorphic illusion.

Keywords: Anamorphosis, Geometry, Perspective, Parametric analysis

Online version of article: Distortion Minimization: A Framework for the  Design of Plane Geometric Anamorphosis